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Mablethorpe Primary Academy


Class Teacher - Mrs Sanghvi


Welcome to the Penguins class.

Hello and welcome to Penguins class! This page will give you all the information you need about what is happening in our class, such as PE days, homework, trips, events and the areas that we will be learning about. We look forward to building on all of your brilliant learning as we move into term 6! 

We have an exciting term coming up with three visits to local secondary schools to look forward to – John Spendluffe Technology College on Monday 24th June, Skegness Academy on Thursday 27th and then Somercotes Academy on a date to be confirmed in July. You should already have details of the Spendluffe day (please ask your child’s teacher if not) and information about the other days will be with you as soon as we have it. We are also planning a year five trip and will send details to you as soon as they are confirmed! 

In history, we will be continuing with our term 5 topic learning all about the fascinating people of Ancient Maya, and comparing their society and achievements with those of the Vikings. Our geography lessons will continue to link to this as we investigate how the Mayan people used farming and trade to help them survive and thrive in such a difficult natural environment. Our English leaning will focus on fantasy as we study the book ‘MIddleworld’, the first part of the ‘Jaguar Stones’ series. In science and PSHE, we will be learning all about how humans grow, change and reproduce. Please see our overview document for more details about what we will be learning in all of our curriculum subjects.

PE will continue to take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays this term.  Please come to school in your PE kit and leave earrings at home on both of those days. 

Please keep reading every day (we have lots of books in the classroom for you to take home!) and earning lots of coins on TT rock stars – we would love to see more of you ‘go green' and we are aiming for everyone to have their certificate by the end of the term. There will also be tasks set on MyMaths and Spag.Com. If you need reminders of any of your login details, please speak to Mrs Sanghvi. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to Mrs Sanghvi or Miss Heppenstall and we will be happy to help. 

Hit The Button Times Table Game