Class Teacher - Ms K Dixon
Welcome to the Whales class.
Hello and welcome to Year 5/6 Whales class. This page will give you all the information you need about what is happening in our class, such as PE days, homework, trips, events and the areas that we will be learning about during the term.
This term will be focused on the theme of Castles and dragons within Fantasy maps. All learning within Term 4 will be linked closely around the subject Geography, with the children collecting evidence in order to answer an enquiry question of- How much do you know about dragons?
The children will be learning the skills of Ordinance Survey map, the eight compass points, planning a journey including 4 and 6 figure grid reference, 3d models using map contour lines, and finally using these skills learnt to map and create their own fantasy map for a mythological creature or dragon they have created.
Continuing around the same theme, our English learning will include the famous and popular text- The Hobbit! And the information text, Dragonology. The children will be learning the skills in order to write a fantasy narrative and an explanation text about dragons and mythological creatures. Art this term will also support this theme, as the children will be learning the skills in order to create a mythological creature made from clay. They will also be experimenting with wire first using continuous lines with wire sculptures, inspired around the artist, Lisa Brunetta.
The children will be covering the unit, living things and their habitats within science, where they will be discussing habits and how animals including humans are classified into broader groups based on observable characteristics. This will also include bacteria and micro-organisms, and we will be having a go at making our very own yogurt and cheese. Not all bacteria are bad for us!
Term 4 is also the exciting term that we participate within Careers and Science week. We have lots of exciting and educational activities for both of these weeks, including inspirational individuals to discuss different career paths as well as outside agencies, that includes a fun science day filled with different workshops for the whole school. More information nearer the time for these will be published on our school website.
PE for Year 5/6 Whales will take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday. On a Wednesday we will be doing indoor athletics for Term 4 we will be learning the skills of Basketball and on a Thursday, we will be doing Indoor Athletics. Please do keep a look out for any updates and photographs of your children’s learning on our Facebook page. Please keep your photo permission slips updated if you wish to have your child photographed during any activities. Please come to school in your PE kit and leave earrings at home on both of those days.
Please keep reading every day (we have lots of books in the classroom for you to take home!) and earning lots of coins on TT rock stars will continue also! If you need reminders of any of your login details, please speak to Miss Nichols or Mrs James. We will also be setting weekly spellings again during Term 4. This term will be the Year 5/6 statutory spellings.
Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to a great Term 4. Enjoy your half term break with your families.
Mrs Dixon and Mrs Carpenter