Class Teacher - Mrs D Clarkson
Welcome to the Angelfish class.
Dear Angelfish,
Welcome back after half term! This term is going to be very exciting as we are learning about castles and dragons!
In English we are going to be learning about the book ‘Tell me a dragon’. We will be looking at the text and using it to inspire our writing, including a letter, a report and a character description.
Later this term there will be a meeting for parents and guardians of children in Year 1 and Year 2 children who need to retake the Phonic Screen. This meeting will be to discuss the process of the Phonic Screening, activities that you can do at home, and to provide a pack of resources to support you with this.
Reading is very important, it is the skill that affects every area of learning -including maths! Reading just 5 minutes a day at home can make a significant difference to your progress. Please ask your adult to sign your reading diary so that we can see if you need your book changing.
In history, we will be learning about castles in the UK, focusing on the Tower of London and evaluating historical artefacts. We will be having a special visitor this term to bring our history unit alive! We will also be having a special castle themed day at the end of the term, more details about this will be following, nearer the time!
In Geography, we will be focusing on castles in the UK, learning about the geographical features of castles, both human and physical.
In science we will be continuing to learn about animals.
In Art we will be looking at the work of Paul Klee, with a specific focus on his work ‘Castle and Sun’. We will explore the mediums of oil pastilles and collage to create our own representations.
Our PE days next term will be on Mondays and Thursdays.
Any questions, please speak to a member of the Angelfish Team.
I look forward to getting to know you all.
Mrs Clarkson and the Angelfish Team