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Mablethorpe Primary Academy



Class Teacher -Mrs R Baxter 



An Introduction to Tapestry for EYFS parents


Welcome to the Starfish class.

We hope you have all had a lovely half term holiday!

This term our topic is Sunny Seaside! We will be learning about our local seaside town of Mablethorpe. We will be looking at ‘Tom and Lucy at the Seaside’ by Shirley Hughes and non-fiction texts linked to sea life and the beach. We will be thinking about sun and water safety as well as foods we eat in summer!

As the weather is getting warmer, please make sure you bring in a hat and sun cream for your child and put their name in their jumper or cardigan.


PE will be on Mondays for both classes. Your child will need to come to school in their PE kit: t-shirt and black shorts / tracksuit. Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly named and the school’s earring policy is followed.

Spare Clothes

Please bring and leave a named bag on your child’s peg with a spare pair of underwear, socks and trousers or skirt in. We have a very limited amount of spare clothing at school.


Please remember to bring your child’s homework bags to school each Wednesday and we will hand them back out on Friday.

Reading Crowns

We will be continuing our fun reading initiative for the children to enjoy. If they read 4 times in one week (Thursday to Thursday) and their reading log has been signed, they will get to wear a reading crown on a Friday. Every time your child gets to wear the reading crown their name will be put in a hat. At the end of term 6, lucky winners will get a prize for their fantastic reading.

Mr Brocklebank, Miss Lewell, Miss Scott, Miss Phythian, Mrs Torrie, Miss Keeley and Miss Jeffcoat