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Mablethorpe Primary Academy


Class Teacher - Mrs J Askew 





Hello boys and girls! 

We hope you have had a lovely half term holiday!

For our final term in nursery, we are focussing on stories by Eric Carle and minibeasts!

We will be completing the first set of sounds as part of our Read Write Inc programme.

We will be starting the transition to Reception, so every week from Week 2, the children will go and visit the reception classrooms and outdoor area! 

This will help the children settle in, in September!

We will be having a celebratory trip to the beach, a trip to Hardy's Animal Farm and a graduation near the end of term. Dates to follow!

Keep looking at the dates board in the classroom and the dates will go on there! 

In the very last week of term the children will have a class swap session in their new class too!

As the weather is getting warmer, please apply suncream before the nursery session and send your child to school with a sun hat! Also, they will still need a light raincoat incase of wet weather too!

We are really looking forward to having such a fun term with our nursery children!

Thank you

Mrs Askew and Miss Jeffcoat

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