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Class Teacher - Miss L Carstairs


Welcome to the Clownfish class.

We have had a fantastic first term and enjoyed exploring our enquiry question across all subjects, looking at what toys were like in the life of our parents and grandparents.

The topic focus and enquiry question for this next term will be Why do Christians celebrate at Christmas? and will link to our Christmas nativity performance at the end of the term. Please can children come to school in their PE kits on a Wednesday and Thursday. This term in PE we will be doing rugby team games and Dance Dinosaur. In English, children will be exploring chronological reports, instructions, persuasive writing to create a poster and Christmas poetry. In art and DT, we will be creating a Christmas card exploring mechanisms and a focus on Sliders and Levers. In music we will be practicing our nativity songs and learning how to listen and appraise, discussing what we like and don’t like about a piece of festive music. Materials and their properties will be the focus in Science. Please can children continue to read at home daily and return their reading packs into school every Wednesday so that all books can be changed. Enjoy your half term break and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Clownfish Team