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Class Teacher - Mrs K Sanghvi

Welcome to the Pelicans class.   

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful holiday and are looking forwards to the exciting things we have planned in Term 2.

This term, we will be investigating one big question across our Geography, Art, Science and Music lessons – ‘What's in the Rainforest Soundscape?’.   

This term in English and Guided Reading, we will focus on two different texts. The first is ‘The vanishing rainforest’ by Richard Platt and Rupert Van Wyk. The second is Henri Rousseau’s Jungle Book. We will be writing an adventure story, nonchronological report and a persuasive text.  

In RE, our focus will be on what the main concepts in Islam reveal about the nature of Allah and what is the purpose of visual symbols in a mosque. We will be learning about ‘celebrating differences’ in PSHE. In Computing, we will be learning about desktop publishing.  Our Spanish focus will be Names, the alphabet and Christmas.  In Maths, we will be learning addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.  

PE days in Term 2 are every Monday and Wednesday.  Children will be learning dance to music from The Greatest Showman and dodgeball. Please can children arrive at school wearing their PE kit (a black jumper or school jumper, academy PE t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt and black leggings/joggers or shorts).  If your child has an after-school club with JB Sports, please can they arrive in PE kit that day. We would also like to remind you that earrings need to be removed on these days please.  Newly pierced ears can be covered with a plaster instead.  

Learning at Home: As a school, we are continuing to have a big push on learning our multiplication tables, which will help the children in many aspects of their Maths lessons and to prepare for the Y4 Multiplication check. It would be a huge help if you can encourage your child to log onto TT Rock Stars regularly and get those times down!  Please ensure that you are going on the updated version of TT Rockstars by using the following address:

Daily reading at home for pleasure will also significantly benefit your child; this can be any text by different authors, from school, home or the library, as well as newspapers, magazines or any other reading material! Children will be bringing home a schoolbook matched to their ability every day. Please make sure your child reads every day, they will take a small quiz after reading their book before getting a new one.

Spellings will also be given out on a Friday and a low stakes spelling test will be given the following Friday.

We are also going to be visiting Revesby Farm Estate on Wednesday 6th November. This should be an amazing experience to learn about a working farm. Remember your wellies!

Thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning.   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best wishes

Mrs Sanghvi