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Class Teacher - Mrs Brown



Welcome to the Angelfish class.

We hope you have had a lovely break! We have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned for this term.  

In English, we are going to be reading ‘The Storm Whale'. We will be exploring the features of an adventure story, going over how this is different from a traditional tale or fairy tale. We will be writing our own adventure stories using the skills we have been learning this year. We will also be looking at instructional text using imperative verbs, adverbials, chronological order, formal impersonal tone. In maths, we will be learning about position using language such as: left, right, forwards and behind. We will also be learning about place value to 100, ordering numbers, recognising how they are constructed using tens and ones and comparing them. We will then be learning about telling the time, recognising o’clock and half past the hour, before finally we learn about money and compare amounts.  

In History and Geography, we will be continuing to learn about the seaside. We will be thinking about changes within living memory and tourism in Mablethorpe. In history we will be answering the question: Do YOU think seaside holidays have changed and how has that affected our area? and in Geography we will be asking the question: Why do people visit Mablethorpe?  

In Science, we will be working scientifically learning about plants and seasonal changes. In Religion and World Views, we will be continuing our look at different places of worship and in computing we will be working on creating media. 

 In Music, we will be performing the song, revisiting the songs we have learnt this year practising our favourite ready for our performance at the end of the year. In Design and Technology, we will be designing, making and evaluating a bag. In Art and Design, we will be making wax resistant leaves. In PSHE, we will be working on ‘Changing me’.  

In PE, we will be working on ball skills and Kwik cricket. This term, PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays so please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days and if they wear earrings that these are removed. 

Please ensure your child brings their homework bag to school every day. Reading books will be changed every Tuesday and Thursday if they have read. Don’t forget to write in their reading journal so we can see when they have read with you. Your child will choose a new choosey book on a Friday for you to read to/with them. We will also be setting some homework on Teams. 

If you have any questions, please speak to a member of staff when dropping off or collecting your child. 

Thank you for your continued support with your child’s learning. 

Angelfish team