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Physical Education

Our talented Y5/6 team showed resilience, determination and positivity at the GAT athletics competition!   
Our Y5/6 handball team played brilliantly together at a recent tournament winning 7 games out of 7, to finish top of the league! Congratulations to both teams for showing great determination and fantastic team work!

Great resilience and superb team work has been shown during PE and football matches!
Our Play Leaders are enthusiastic about playing games with the children at lunchtime!

 Year 3 and 4 have been working brilliantly to develop their skills and tactics for dodgeball

 Subject Intent Statements:
Physical Education

Our physical education curriculum inspires everyone to be healthy, active, to develop physical skills and engage competitively and fairly. Pupils will be given opportunities to gain knowledge and experience a range of sporting activities that support them to have a healthy lifestyle. As children progress through the curriculum, they will be able to compete and be successful in PE and sport; such life skills will embed values such as co-operation, fairness, motivation and respect.

Physical Education for our children

PE makes me healthy, happy and confident.



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Pupil Voice 22-23


What do you like about PE?

It gets my heart beating faster!

Exercise gives me energy!  

I love learning the different sports !

Team work is awesome!

I always look forward to PE

We take turns!

I love running!

It helps us to be healthy, happy, confident and safe!

I feel excited and happy!

How do you know you have been successful in PE?

My teacher tells me how good I am!

We get dojo points!

I got Star Boy last week!

I feel I have got better so I'm proud of myself!

I show my partner how I can throw and catch!

We tell each other what we've done well!

We talk to each other!

What do you enjoy about team work?

I like PE because I like partner work

It’s always fun to work as a team!

Work with other children that I might not usually work with

I make new friends!

Team work helps us to plan!

We can say what is going well and plan what's next

Why is it important to learn about PE at school?

I like all the activities and I feel energised!

We know how to play lots of different sports

I can improve my own skills

We learn how to be a good team-mate!

We try our best and get better at skills!

New tactics

I know how to hold the bat now!

I can bowl - I have improved!

 I feel good about myself!

We have healthy snacks to help with digestion!

Do you get your heart rate up or get out of breath in PE?

Yes, being out of breath is good!

Always at after school club and PE!

Definitely - I need a drink!

Warming up is important

I feel out of breath every PE lesson’s always fun! 

Every PE lesson!

Daily Mile is good fun!

Do you enjoy competition in PE?

Yes, we try to get a better score.

I was the star boy because I didn't drop the ball!

We try to beat our own scores

It's fun and exciting!

We won 5/6 games at football!